11 pump station to be built at the intersection of Route 522 and Cranbury-South River Road.
By: Sharlee Joy DiMenichi
MONROE Monroe Township officials are not planning to block a Sunoco gas station approved by the South Brunswick Zoning Board of Adjustment for the intersection of Route 522 and Cranbury-South River Road.
The station in South Brunswick will be across the street from a site in Monroe where an application by Wawa for a store and gas station was denied by the Monroe Zoning Board in June 2001.
South Brunswick Zoning Board members voted unanimously Jan. 29 to grant variances for the project.
Monroe Township Engineer Ernie Feist said Thursday Monroe had not objected earlier in South Brunswick’s approval process and wouldn’t, at this point, because there was not much basis for an objection.
South Brunswick’s Sunoco station is expected to include three diesel pumps, eight gas pumps and a 4,305-square-foot convenience store, according to the plans.
Monroe Township’s Zoning Board of Adjustment unanimously denied a similar application two and a half years ago that would have brought a 10-pump gas station and a Wawa convenience store to a 7-acre lot.
Wawa was seeking variances for a 4,676-square-foot store and a canopied gas station in an area zoned for residential use. The facility would have been open 24 hours.
The South Brunswick zoning board approved a use-variance in December 2002.
The variance for Sunoco allows for a convenience store and gasoline station, commercial uses in an industrial zone.
Sunoco representatives returned to the zoning board to request bulk variances to allow for a greater percentage of the site to be paved than currently allowed in the zone and to ask for permission to hang more signs than permitted.
The station would have 57.3 percent impervious coverage rather than the 55 percent normally allowed on industrially zoned properties.