To the editor:
In writing about the death and funeral of Army 2nd Lt. Seth Dvorin in last week’s "Dispatches" column, Hank Kalet wrote, " Lt. Dvorin is dead because of politics, because the president of the United States sold this war with a wink and a lie, told us it would be a cakewalk, that the Iraqis would welcome us with open arms."
Hank Kalet, like many others, has distorted perceptions about the war because he disregards lessons that history teaches us. Pre-emptive measures had to be taken and the threat, whether real, imagined, or contrived, was acknowledged by Democrats and Republicans alike for more than the last decade.
Seth, an outstanding young man with limitless potential, was struck down in his prime because of the irrational hatred of misguided zealots. Those who murdered him, and Saddam’s reign of terror and lawlessness, are responsible for his death. Hopefully, they will be quickly brought to justice or removed, so they murder no more. May other deluded, hate-filled zealots have a much-needed "change of heart."
Seth, as well as other military personnel, is a hero in the truest sense of the word. He deserves our respect and appreciation. Seth Dvorin’s death was not in vain.
He died in voluntary service to his country and for our freedom. His cherished memory will live on forever in the hearts of those who knew and loved him. It is understandable that the parents and grandparents of Seth, suffering grief beyond our comprehension, would feel as they do.
However, there are literally millions of Americans now, and many Iraqis in time to come, who will laud those valiant Americans, British, and others who paid the ultimate price to free Iraq and remove the threat Saddam’s heartless regime posed to us and the world.
We would hope that in time to come, there would be an appropriate memorial prominently placed in Baghdad that would honor every American who died to free Iraq. The Iraqis, like us, must never forget their sacrifice or belittle the cause for which they died. Freedom, though priceless, comes with a price, a great price.
Let us remember that it was said about President Ronald Reagan, "He let his principles dominate his policies." He courageously stood up against the "Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union, another tyrannical regime, and the Cold War ended.
Let’s hope and work that President George W. Bush, another president who lets his "principles dominate his policies" will be re-elected so under his courageous leadership America can go on to finish the job for freedom from terrorists. We see no other candidate that has the "intestinal fortitude" (that’s guts) to see it through.
Miles Bennett