Millstone kindergarten registration March 2-4

Kindergarten registration will take place at the Millstone Township Elementary School library between 7-8:30 p.m. as follows: Tuesday, March 2, for children whose last name begins with A-I; Wednesday, March 3, for students whose last name begins J-R; and Thursday, March 4, for children whose last name begins with S-Z.

These dates are for the completion of the paper work required for registration. Building tours are tentatively scheduled for April 27 and 28. Parents will be notified of their time and date by mail.

The registration requirements are: student must be 5 years old on or before Oct. 1, 2004; birth certificate with a raised state seal; four proofs of residency; immunization records — child must have had one dose of the varicella vaccine, or a history of chicken pox, and other health requirements in accordance with public law Chapter 14, namely, a complete physical examination performed after Sept. 1, 2003, which includes proof of immunization, including the four-year DPT and polio boosters, a second MMR, and three doses of hepatitis B vaccine. This must be recorded on a school form and signed by the physician. Stamps or counter signatures are not accepted. The forms can be obtained in the health office, or downloaded from the nurse’s Web site at; look under special interests, and then click on Mrs. Barry, RN.