Notes Around Town

Notes Around Town

FARRAH MAFFAI staff Memorial School teachers Betsy Hopler (l) and Terry Sporer begin the daunting task of rolling 160 pounds worth of meatballs for the 32nd annual Memorial School Italian Dinner in Eatontown.FARRAH MAFFAI staff Memorial School teachers Betsy Hopler (l) and Terry Sporer begin the daunting task of rolling 160 pounds worth of meatballs for the 32nd annual Memorial School Italian Dinner in Eatontown.

Diners at Sallee Tee’s restaurant in Monmouth Beach were treated to more than just a good meal last Sunday. They had a view of a large seal happily sunning itself on a dock of the neighboring West’s Sailing Center. A worker at the sailing center said he understood the seal had been hanging out on some of the docks at homes along Monmouth Parkway earlier in the week. Monmouth Beach police got a report of a sighting of the seal near the Breakwater Cove condo complex. Police Chief Richard White said the seal was just fine. "He’s happy. He’s living in the river," the chief said.


Eatontown Mayor Gerald J. Tarantolo complimented Kathee Stouffer, the assistant to borough Business Administrator Michael L. Trotta, for the outstanding job she did in putting together the borough’s first calendar with the assistance of Councilwoman Gerri Hopkins. He noted in offering his kind words at the Borough Council’s Feb. 11 meeting that the calendar was put together at no cost to residents; it was paid for by ads. "I’m pleased with the end product," the mayor said. "I think we’ve got a win. I expect it will continue."


The Eatontown Memorial School PTO will host a workshop for parents 7:30-8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 2, at the school, 7 Grant Ave. Fran Miceli will present a program on "Back to Basics: The ABC’s of Parenting Adolescents." Miceli will explain to parents and teachers at the school, which houses the borough’s seventh and eighth grades, how to understand and meet the basic needs of teen and pre-teen children.


The Monmouth Beach Library’s weekly Wednesday children’s programs in March will begin on March 3 with "Dr. Seuss on the Loose." That will be followed on March 10 by "Shoe Be Do," March 17 with a St. Patrick’s Day celebration, March 24 with "Mud Pies" and March 31 with "Fowl Play."

Programs children in kindergarten through fourth grade are held 3:15-4 p.m. while the programs for preschoolers ages 3-5 are held from 1:30-2 p.m. There also is a toddler story time series for children ages 2 1/2 to 3 1/2, who must be accompanied by a parent or other caregiver, from 10-10:20 a.m.


Back by popular demand, the Little Silver Garden Club will hold a "Creative Judges — Creative Designs" session at its next meeting at 9 a.m. on March 11, at the former Little Silver Woman’s Club building on Church Street at Rumson Road. Garden members and NCSGC judges Astrid Drangeid, Joan McGrath and Lorna O’Hara will demonstrate new, different and creative floral designs. The competitive floral design for the month of March is "Down Under." The exhibitor will stage and underwater design made of all fresh plant material on a card table. For membership information, call Marie Cutaia at (732) 842-7169.


A program on the music of Ireland will be presented by Paul Pugliese at the next meeting of the Woman’s Club of Little Silver at 1 p.m. on March 10. Admission is free and the public is invited. Refreshments will be served. The meeting will be held at the Woman’s Club building, now owned by the borough, at Church and Rumson Road in Little Silver.


The Monmouth County Cotillion Committee will present the students in this year’s program in the committee’s annual fashion and talent show at 2 p.m. March 7, at Asbury Park High School on Sunset Avenue in Asbury Park. The students will model clothes from area stores. Some also will be showcased in the talent portion of the show. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door. All proceeds from the show will go toward scholarships that will be given out on April 24 at the 54th Cotillion at Convention Hall in Asbury Park.


The deadline to file as a candidate for election to a school board is 4 p.m. on March 1. Petitions should be picked up and returned to the office of the local school board on which the candidate would like to serve.

The school election, at which board members are selected and school budgets are voted on, is April 20. The deadline to register to vote in the election is March 22 and the deadline to request an absentee ballot is April 13.


The American Red Cross 2004 Charity Ball will be held at 7 p.m., March 13, at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel. The black tie event will honor the Stavola Family —all the brothers involved with operation of the Stavola companies and their spouses — with the prestigious Clara Barton Humanitarian Award. Tickets to the gathering are $200 per person with the proceeds helping the Red Cross provide immediate emergency service to victims of disasters in Monmouth and Ocean counties. To make reservations, call the Red Cross’ Tinton Falls office at (732) 493-9100.


Rumson’s Deane-Porter School will hold its fourth annual student art exhibition on Monday, March 8, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. More than 400 artist will have work on display as part of Youth Art Month. The students will showcase their own interpretations of work by such famous artists as Monet, Matisse, Van Gogh and Mondrian. All are welcome to attend. For further information, please call the school at (732) 842-0330.