Matching grants offered to Amboy Ave. businesses
Staff Writer
EDISON — Amboy Avenue businesses that want a face lift may get some help funding their improvements.
As the Amboy Avenue revitalization project has come to an end, the township is offering local businesses an opportunity to receive matching grants to improve the facade of their buildings, according to the mayor’s office.
The township will consider applications for grants up to $5,000 that will match a business’ contribution toward structural work or aesthetic enhancements that improve of restoring the appearance of facades on commercial buildings or mixed use properties in the revitalization zone, which stretches from Route 1 to the turnpike.
The funds will come from a Community Development grant that the township has already received, according to township officials.
Applicants will be required to submit detailed plans and architects’ renderings along with cost estimates by April 30 in order to be considered for township funds.
All improvements have to comply with the Edison’s facade design standards in order to receive the grant, officials said. The businesses also must be able to match the grant.
The amount of grants given out will depend on the amount of applicants, officials said.
"The purpose of the facade improvement program is to aid the businesses in creating a neighborhood Main Street appearance along Amboy Avenue," Mayor George A. Spadoro said.
"I also envisioned that this program will provide an incentive for new businesses to relocate to this street," Spadoro said.
The storefront grant applications have been mailed to local businesses on Amboy Avenue.
"Now that Edison has completed the Amboy Avenue streetscape improvements, it is time for Edison to help these local businesses improve their storefronts," Spadoro said in the statement.
The business facades will complement the improvements to the streets and help to create a downtown atmosphere for the Amboy Avenue neighborhood, according to the mayor’s office.
The revitalization project included installing sidewalk pavers, traditional style street lamps, trash receptacles, benches, trees and potted plants all along the one-mile stretch from Route 1 to the New Jersey Turnpike.
The township’s three-year revitalization project for the Clara Barton section of town was completed last summer.