Oasis owners will miss fun times at Main St., New Egypt, location
Almost three years ago the New Egypt Recreation Oasis was begun to bring wholesome fun to the town of New Egypt.
Over those years we have had some great times, the canoes, the slot cars, the parties and our trips were a lot of fun for all of us.
Nothing can replace the look on a kid’s face when they get their first slot car and get out on the track to test their mettle against other racers, or the times that they will never forget of working on the car with their family and friends to get that last bit of speed out of it.
The rains of last spring and summer dealt us a blow from which we have not been able to financially recover. While we have made more than every effort to remain open, it has become evident that this is not possible. It is with great regret that on March 21, we will close our doors for the last time.
We would like to thank all of those people who were kind enough to patronize the Oasis over the years, and we will miss all of the friends that we met along the way. Through all of our events, races and parties it has probably been as much fun for us as the people who did it with us.
We want to particularly thank everyone, friends, em-ployees, family, Jack and Cindy Custer, and Shawn Richard, who helped us to make the Oasis the truly special place that it was. Your efforts have at times been monumental and there is no way to describe our appreciation.
We will miss the little strategy sessions, the friendly banter, the times "shooting the bull" at the counter, and most of all the kids.
It is our hope to be able to reinvent the company into something that will also be fun and wholesome, and hopefully profitable. But staying open in the Oasis at 27 Main St. unfortunately is not in the cards. We appreciate everything that you and the business community have done for us along the way. We will miss you all.
Ken Francis
New Egypt Recreation Oasis