New Egypt Youth 2004 fall soccer registration for boys and girls from age 4 (by Aug. 1) through eighth grade will be held June 4 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the New Egypt Elementary School, and June 12 from 9 a.m.-noon at the New Egypt Recreation Building. Cost is $60 one child, $110 two children and $135 family maximum. There will be no fund-raisers. Grades three-eight will compete in the Midlands recreation travel league on Saturdays. Pre-K through second grade will play Sundays. Proof of age required for 4-year-old children. Any questions, call Anthony Marabuto at (609) 758-0850 or Gary Rette at (609) 758-3597.
New Egypt Youth Soccer is forming competitive travel soccer teams for the following age groups: Boys U9 (A. Marabuto, (609) 758-0850); Boys U13 (N. Pinarligil, (609) 758-9142); Girls U9 (G. Rette, (609) 758-3597); Girls U10 (J. Plummer, (609) 758-6515); and Girls U11 (B. Marabuto, (609) 758-0850).
Tryouts will be held June 5 at 2 p.m. at the elementary school fields. Rain date is June 6 at 2 p.m. Boys, U13 only, are having additional tryouts on May 28 at 6 p.m. Contact coaches above for more information.