With my husband’s father entering the hospital for surgery after Memorial Day, I think a tribute is due for his and so many other veterans’ contributions over the years to making America secure. Don’t all of us live in relative comfort compared to the rest of the world?
When we look at this country’s priorities, we should realize that, if not for the sacrifices of our veterans, any country or tyrant would find us fair game as we savor pursuit of our luxurious lifestyles. Let’s recognize that the United States is the greatest country in the world. Almost any immigrant from anywhere in the world would agree, but ours is also a country of twisted priorities.
Would we question that so many American parents teach their children to worship the dollar sign and what it can buy? Haven’t the veterans done more than the movie stars and ballplayers who earn salaries in the millions? Haven’t our veterans risked their lives to protect our many freedoms? Don’t we get it yet? Without our veterans, the power of this country would be nil.
Veterans are a special-interest group of special interest to every single American.
Now is the time to recognize this country’s true heroes. We can take a big step and do this. We should enact legislation to ensure that veterans, especially our combat vets who reach retirement age, be free of property taxes, and that their medical benefits should include a totally paid prescription program that covers both name-brand and generic drugs.
Shouldn’t our veterans’ medical care and tax relief be superior to that of those who have been convicted of crimes against society and who receive free medical care and tax exemption within this country’s prison systems? As a health care worker who formerly worked in a veterans hospital, I never felt enough was done for our true heroes, many of them amputees or dealing with war-related diagnoses.
Now is the time to show our gratitude and value our veterans as America’s greatest asset. Let’s not take their sacrifices for granted anymore, and let’s not give them less than we give to those we commit to our nation’s prison systems. Let’s do more than build them a memorial. Let’s start to get American values back on track.
Pleas e-mail or write your legislators to prompt them to take action on this very important matter, and if you are a veteran, have a blessed Memorial Day.
Martha Bennett
East Brunswick