AAUW book sale to be held June 9-12

FREEHOLD — The annual used book sale sponsored by the American Association of University Women Free-hold Area Branch will be held June 9-12 at the Freehold Reformed Church, 67 W. Main St.

Members of the branch have been collecting and sorting books since last fall to prepare for the popular annual fund-raiser.

June 9 from 5-9 p.m. is preview night, with an entrance fee of $7. There is no entrance fee for June 10 (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.), June 11 (9 a.m. to 8 p.m.) or June 12 (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.).

Adult hard cover books will be $1.50, with paperbacks 50 cents and larger trade paperbacks 75 cents. Children’s hard cover books will be priced at $1, with paperbacks 50 cents. Some specially priced books will be a little higher.

Profits will go toward scholarships and community projects. The Freehold branch recently honored the senior girl with the highest average at each of the six schools in the Freehold Regional High School District with a certificate and monetary award.

"Their high school activities and college goals inspire us as we work on the book sale," said Leila Sulkes, branch president.

The branch also gives two scholarships to women over the age of 25 who are residents of western Monmouth County and have returned to college, on the undergraduate and graduate levels.

The branch has also donated money to the Freehold Area Open Door after-school program for snacks and other needed items, as well as to support the Open Door scholarships to alumni of the program.

According to a press release, money earned at the book sale gives the Freehold Area Branch the opportunity to work toward the aim of the founders of the AAUW in 1831 — to encourage higher learning for women.

Donations of books are no longer being accepted. Collection will begin again in the fall. For more information call Dee Wenzelburger at (732) 431-1002.