Roads in four towns will receive a facelift in the coming months. The Ocean County Board of Freeholders next week will seek bids for the first phase of an $8 million overhaul of Bennetts Mills Road in Jackson.
"Once completed, the project will add a new bridge over wetlands downstream of Lake Enno between County Line Road and Manhattan Street," said Ocean County Engineer Ronald A. Lotrecchio.
An existing spillway will remain in place for fishing, he said.
New jughandles will also be built at the County Line Road intersection.
Work on the project is expected to begin by the fall and be completed in about two years, Lotrecchio said.
Also in Jackson, the freeholders are seeking bids for the reconstruction and paving of North Prospect Road at Palamino Drive. The estimated $275,000 project will be completed over the summer, according to Lotrecchio.
The freeholders are also expected to award a $282,514 contract to Earle Asphalt Company, Farmingdale, for the reconstruction and resurfacing of the following three roads:
• Herbertsville Road from Sally Ike Road to Andover Road in Brick Town-ship;
• Osborne Avenue from Herbertsville Road to River Road in Point Pleasant Borough;
• Kearney Avenue from Central Avenue to Ocean Avenue in Seaside Heights.