Cream Ridge resident elected to Arc board

The Arc of Monmouth (Association for Retarded Citizens Inc.) held its annual membership meeting recently at The Arc Center, Tinton Falls, and presented its slate of officers for 2005.

Rhonda Levy, Point Pleasant Beach, was elected president for her second term. Phillip Fina, Middletown, was elected first vice president, and Richard Kammerer of Holmdel was elected second vice president. Rich Harter of Cream Ridge was elected secretary; Robert Gura, Rumson, is treasurer; Theodore Stieve, Fair Haven, is assistant secretary; and D. Roderick Webster, Little Silver, is assistant Treasurer. Randall B. Smith, Middletown, is immediate past president. Warren Vogel of New York, formerly of Monmouth Beach, will join the board in 2005.

Executive Director Mary E. Scott reviewed the highlights of the past year, including the opening of a new four-person group home in Tinton Falls and a shipping business in Freehold Township.

The Arc of Monmouth serves more than 1,500 individuals with mental retardation and their families each year with education, vocational training, residential services, health care, supported employment, recreation, social services and advocacy.