Peace on playing fields sought with sports code of conduct

Players, parents, game officials to sign pledge

Staff Writer

Staff Writer

EATONTOWN — After months of deliberation and development, the Borough Council has introduced an ordinance to establish a youth sports code of conduct.

The measure, aimed at keeping peace on the borough’s playing fields, was introduced on a 5-0 vote, with Councilman John J. Collins absent, at the council’s July 14 meeting. A public hearing was set for Aug. 4.

The ordinance could be amended in regard to the issue of enforcement at the time of the pubic hearing, according to Borough Attorney Gene Anthony.

The code of conduct would apply to participants in borough-sponsored recreational and competitive sports activities, parents, guardians, coaches, officials, guests and spectators.

It bans unsportsmanlike conduct, behavior which would endanger the health, safety or welfare of others, the use of drugs or alcohol, the use of profanity, verbal or physical threats and fights.

It directs those at sports events — participants, parents, coaches, officials, guests and spectators — to treat everyone else with respect regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, sexual orientation or ability.

The proposed code would apply to all participants, parents or legal guardians, coaches, umpires or referees, and other officials, all of whom would be asked to sign a pledge agreeing to conform with the code of conduct and be subject to disciplinary action for violations.

Guests and spectators, who would not normally sign the pledge, are still prohibited from participating in fights or any type of physical or verbal abuse or threats toward the participants, coaches, officials or one another and are subject to the sanctions set forth in the code.

The ordinance would create the Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee, which would be charged with enforcing the code of conduct. Umpires, referees and borough recreation department supervisors would undertake temporary, limited and immediate enforcement.

The temporary, limited and immediate enforcement includes verbal and/or written warnings, suspension from participation in part or all of the current game or event, or removal from the game or event.

The Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee would consist of five members and two alternates appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the Borough Council. Each would serve a term of five years. The members would receive no compensation for their services.

As presently written, anyone who initiates a fight, scuffle or any type of physical abuse or threats of abuse is subject to a verbal and/or written warning, or a suspension from the particular youth sports event in attendance, or could be banned from attendance at all youth sports events for a period not exceeding one year from the date of the incident. They also could be made subject to anger management counseling.

Anyone engaging in verbal abuse, or the use of obscene or profane language or gestures, or racial, ethnic or sexual slurs is subject to a verbal and/or written warning or, in severe cases, could be suspended from the event or banned from attendance at all youth events for a period not exceeding one year from the date of the incident. They also could be ordered to undergo anger management counseling.

Anyone who throws, or causes to be deposited, any object on the field of play, court or rink during a youth sports event could be suspended from that event or banned from attendance at all youth events for a period not exceeding a year from the date of the incident. They, too, could be ordered to undergo anger management counseling.

Bans in excess of 12 months would be permitted where the violator committed a felony or indictable offense or its equivalent as part of his or her violation of the code of conduct as determined by the Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee, or was subject to two or more prior bans in separate disciplinary actions at separate youth sports events.

Any parent, official, coach or spectator 18 years of age or older who is suspended from a youth sporting event and/or removed from the premises and/or banned from youth sports events for violations of the Code of Conduct for whatever time shall be required to complete anger management or an equivalent counseling program consisting of not less than 12 hours of instruction prior to being allowed to attend future youth sports events and shall provide proof of satisfactory completion to the Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee.

Any person 17 years of age or younger who is suspended from a youth sports event and/or removed from the premises and/or banned from youth sports events in violation of the Code of Conduct shall be required to complete an anger management or equivalent counseling program consisting of not less than six hours of instruction prior to being allowed to attend future youth sports events and shall provide proof of satisfactory completion to the Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee.

Any person wishing to appeal a notice of violation received from the Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee may do so within seven calendar days of the mailing of the notice by forwarding a copy of it with a written request for appeal to the chairman of the Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee. The committee must then convene within seven days to provide an opportunity for that person to appear and be heard on the alleged violation and any action taken by the committee.

If a notice of violation is not appealed within seven days, the action taken by the official or Eatontown Athletic Advisory Committee, including banning from youth sports events, will become final.