Resident impressed with Donovan’s efforts

The traffic situation on Bethany Road, Holmdel, is going from bad to worse. Just talk to those of us who are frustrated every day, either attempting to back out of driveways on Bethany Road or trying to exit from side streets onto Bethany Road. It’s dangerous.

The good news is that help is coming. Recently, a meeting was held at township hall with county engineers, representatives of the traffic safety advisory committee, and local residents to discuss specific plans for improving the intersection at Bethany and Holmdel-Keyport roads.

Elise Donovan, chairman of the traffic safety advisory committee, demonstrated her awareness of this major problem. It was obvious from her presentation at the meeting that the committee’s previous recommendations to the county were instrumental in getting this intersection redesigned, particularly including a "no right on red" sign. I was personally impressed and encouraged by Donovan’s efforts to alleviate the congestion problem on Bethany Road.

Having a resident of Elise Donovan’s caliber serve on the Township Committee would certainly be an asset to Holmdel. She is currently running for a seat on the Township Committee and deserves the support of residents who want a representative who is aware of problems and takes action.

Shirley Lagattuta
