Historical society seeks items for market sale

The Allentown-Upper Freehold Historical Society will hold a Lakeside Market Oct. 9 as part of the festivities of Allentown’s Harvest Festival Weekend.

In lieu of the “Tea Party” fund-raiser the historical society usually holds in the back yard of Betsy Poinsett, members will conduct an 18th-century market similar to the Markethouse that once stood in the middle of Main Street. Members are seeking items to include in the market, and will accept “ancient assets” to be sold or bartered to benefit the historical society. In deference to market attendees, donors are asked to limit the size of their gift, although nothing will be denied. Donors are asked to assign a dollar value to each item, and a receipt will be provided.

Items may be brought to either Poinsett or John Fabiano, president of the historical society, before Saturday morning. Details: Fabiano, (609) 259-9127.