Volunteers needed at therapeutic riding stables

  • Handicapped High Riders is a recreational and therapeutic horseback riding program for the learning disabled, mentally retarded and emotionally or physically handicapped.
  • Volunteers are needed to lead a horse or pony, groom and tack horses and ponies, and sidewalk with special-needs children. Help is also needed in the office, or with landscaping or planting flowers. Volunteers can learn stable management and how to take care of horses.

    Volunteers must be age 14 or older, and help is needed throughout the week and on weekends.

    Handicapped High Riders will participate in the annual Horseback Riding for the Handicapped Horse Show (Region II) at the Horse Park of New Jersey, Upper Freehold Township, on Oct. 2 at 9 a.m. Many students from the region will participate. Parents and disabled adults interested in participating or visiting the program are welcome to call (609) 259-3884 for more information.

    Horse Park to host

    national show Sept. 26

    The National Championship Standardbred Horse Show will be held Sept. 26 at the Horse Park of New Jersey in Upper Freehold Township.

    More than $3,500 in prize money will be awarded at the event, which is presented by the Standardbred Pleasure Horse Organization of New Jersey and the Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association of New Jersey.

    Divisions include in-hand, dressage, English and Western pleasure, equitation, hunter, jumper, games, lead line, and harness. There are classifications for beginners and juniors (age 18 and under).

    Prepaid entries close Sept. 19. For additional information, call Kim Wolny at (732) 751-9362.

    The 147-acre Horse Park of New Jersey is located on Route 524 in the Stone Tavern section of Upper Freehold.

    Show to feature carriages,

    miniature horses, vendors

    The Garden State Horse & Carriage Society and the Handicapped High Riders Club will hold the 14th annual GSH&CS Pleasure Driving Show at the Horse Park of New Jersey, Upper Freehold Township. The competition, which will begin at 9 a.m., will feature a wide variety of breeds from miniature horses to draft horses to antique carriages and modern competition carriages. There will also be vendors and a silent auction to benefit the Handicapped High Riders Club, a therapeutic horseback riding and driving program in Allentown. The auction will include gift items, arts, crafts home decor, and horse-related items. Food will also be available.

    Admission and parking are free, and spectators are welcome. The Horse Park is on Rote 524. For directions, visit the Web site www.hoseparkofnewjersey.com.