WyldLife Club to meet Sept. 18 in Millstone

The WyldLife Club of Millstone Township will hold its first meeting for the new school year Sept. 18 from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Millstone Community Center, Stagecoach Road/Route 524, Clarksburg section of Millstone. All Millstone-area youngsters in sixth, seventh or eighth grade are invited to attend.

Club meetings are free. A number of Millstone-area WyldLife members went to the Rockbridge Camp in western Virginia last month, and the club will discuss their trip as well as upcoming camping trips scheduled for this year.

WyldLife is an interdenominational, Christian-based group focused on middle school youth and is a division of YoungLife. The club holds monthly meetings, summer camps and weekend excursions.

For more information, call Dixie Lane at (609) 208-1659 or Gina Cullinane (609) 259-7958, or Millstone Chairwoman Donna Bruton (732) 303-8636.