Allentown Library offers parenting programs

The Allentown Public Library will offer a series of programs for parents. Each session of “Parenting From the Heart” will begin at 10 a.m.

“Roadblocks to Effective Parenting” will be presented Sept. 29 and will discuss how parents knowingly undermine their own efforts, and how to avoid common mistakes that even well-intentioned parents make.

“How to Communicate With Your Children” will be the topic Oct. 6, and will discuss how parents can have an effective dialogue with their children and how to keep the lines of communication open.

The sessions will be facilitated by Bonny Bowman, who has more than 20 years of experience training individuals and groups. Parents of any age are welcome. R.S.V.P. is requested so that refreshments and copies of printed material can be provided. To register, call (609) 259-6019, leave a message.

Crafters’ spaces available

for Holiday Emporium

The Villagers of Allentown will sponsor its annual Holiday Emporium Nov. 13 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Allentown First Aid building, Route 526, Allentown. The organization is accepting applications from crafters for tables for the event. The price is $20 per table. For more information, call Norma at (609) 259-3172.