Assembly proposals would help Monroe

State Assemblywoman Greenstein and Assemblyman Baroni have bills in the works that would provide more school aid for the Monroe Township school district.

By: Melissa Hayes
   MONROE — State legislators have introduced two bills that could get more money for Monroe township schools under a state program that provides school aid to towns with large senior citizen populations.
   Assemblywoman Linda Greenstein, whose district includes Monroe, has introduced legislation that would change the eligibility criteria for senior citizen stabilization aid, which is based on the percentage of senior citizens living in a municipality.
   Under current law, senior citizens must comprise 45 percent of a municipality’s population in order for a school district to be eligible for this type of aid, which is now at $200 per student. Senior citizens make up approximately 43 percent of Monroe’s population, Ms. Greenstein said.
   Ms. Greenstein’s proposal would lower the senior citizen population requirement to 40 percent, and maintain the current aid level of $200 per student. Under her bill, the school district could receive $538,000.
   Assemblyman Bill Baroni, a Republican whose district includes Monroe, has proposed a similar bill, but his would provide $2.16 million in aid.
   "What it comes down to is both of the bills try to do the same things in terms of making Monroe eligible for this type of aid. However, under the Greenstein bill, the aid level is set at $200 per pupil, whereas under Bill’s legislation that would be up to as much as $500 and that would also include regional school districts," said Bill Guhl, communications director of the NJ Assembly Republicans.
   The state Assembly Education Committee tabled Mr. Baroni’s bill Sept. 30, but voted to release Assemblywoman Greenstein’s bill. Her bill was referred to the Assembly Appropriations Committee, but was not on the panel’s agenda Monday.
   Currently, only four New Jersey school districts, Cape May Point, Berkley Township — which is split into two districts — and Manchester, qualify for senior citizen stabilization aid.