To the editor:
As the citizens in South Brunswick go to the polls this November, I strongly encourage them to vote for Charlie Carley and Carol Barrett for Township Council.
We, in South Brunswick, are very fortunate to have an excellent governmental body. Mr. Carley and Ms. Barrett exemplify good service in government. While most candidates serve on various township committees, not all also give back to the community in other ways. Mr. Carley and Ms. Barrett have both volunteered to see that our community does its best to be a place where any family would be happy to live.
I know them both through various volunteer activities. This includes working to raise money for the library building project (Mr. Carley has been active with the library for several years and has also helped to save the township money and keeping our taxes lower), the senior citizens center (a special love of Ms. Barrett’s ), the Y and probably many others I am not aware of.
It takes volunteers such as these two to make for a great community. This is not to say that the other candidates are not worthy. However, I do know that these two care enough to give back in time and expertise to South Brunswick.
We need to go vote and then mark the ballots for these two exceptional people. We need them.
Carl Heffington
Kendall Park
Mr. Heffington is the assistant director the South Brunswick Library.