Mayor, council provided swift aid after flooding

This a copy of a letter I recently sent to Mayor Nancy Martin and the Helmetta Borough Council.

I have been a resident of the borough since 1968, and I’ve never been as impressed with anything or anyone as I was with all of you and the handling of the flood on John Street.

You are all to be commended for the speed, services and actions taken to help the residents of Railroad Avenue and John Street.

I’ve heard several negative complaints from a chosen few residents, but there is always someone you just can never make happy.

Something like this happened around 11 years ago, and I can’t recall anyone handling the situation the way you did. The people complaining are the same ones who suffered losses again. You would think they would learn from the past and be thankful for the current mayor and council and their quick response to the residents’ needs.

I just wanted to thank you all for your help and concern. You’re doing a great job.

Fran Daddio
