Use marketing technique, not DARE

Flashy cars can’t make the failed Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program effective (“Police DARE to Drive This Impala,” North/South Brunswick Sentinel, Sept. 9).

DARE is completely ineffective and sometimes even counterproductive.

That’s the conclusion of the U.S. General Accounting Office, the U.S. Surgeon General, the National Academy of Sciences, and the U.S. Department of Education. Not surprisingly, the federal government now prohibits schools from spending federal funds on the failed program.

However, there is good news. The social norms marketing technique has repeatedly proven effective in reducing the use and abuse of alcohol among young people. It’s based on the fact that the vast majority of young people greatly exaggerate in their minds the quantity and frequency of drinking among their peers. Therefore, they tend to drink — or drink more — than they would otherwise in an effort to fit in.

When credible surveys demonstrate the actual, much lower drinking rates, and the results are widely publicized or “marketed” to this group, the imagined social pressure drops and so does youthful drinking. Study after study demonstrates the technique works with both alcohol and drugs.

What’s more, social norms programs cost very little to implement.

It’s time to use the effective social norms marketing technique to reduce underage drinking and substance abuse. Our young people deserve nothing less.

David J. Hanson

Chapel Hill, N.C.