For the Oct. 28 issue.
Campaign promises sound empty
To the editor:
In response to Mr. Beeson’s letter to the editor of Oct. 21 entitled "Deregionalization sounds wise," I simply don’t understand how some Mansfield residents can’t see through the last minute empty campaign promises that continue to come from the Mansfield Republican party.
Mansfield’s final contribution of regional school taxes per pupil is third out of four towns, so a recalculation would not save us taxes. Also, since deregionalization actually results in high legal fees and taxes, the Republicans can’t reduce our taxes via deregionalization as they suspect.
This isn’t the first empty superficial campaign promise made by the Mansfield Republicans just to get elected. In their 2002 campaign literature, ex-Mayor DeLorenzo and the other Mansfield Republicans made promises. Contrast that to what actually happened when they were voted into office:
– They promised no increase in local taxes…our local taxes tripled.
– They promised a real plan for commercial ratables…where are the ratables, where is the plan?
– They promised no wasteful spending…our spending to lawyers and engineers doubled.
This month, the Mansfield Republicans (Mr. Devereaux, Ms. Cholewa and Mr. Waite) spent up to $30,000 of our money to be able to make another empty campaign promise to us. They say they can save us money by deregionalizing our schools. We are paying the whole $30,000 when towns like Chesterfield and Springfield who would have to be involved in this endeavor are paying nothing because Chesterfield and Springfield are not working with us. Deregionalization legal fees in another NJ district resulted in over $1 million of taxes spent on attorneys’ fees and towns left close to ruin. Splitting up our regional structure is analogous to an ugly divorce. No one wins except the lawyers. Without gathering the basic facts, Mr. Devereaux, Ms. Cholewa and Mr. Waite spent our money irresponsibly on political fluff. They are making the same mistakes that were made under very recent Mansfield Republican regimes that resulted in abrupt resignations, a recall, taxes tripling and general embarrassment to the town that I love.
Republican politicians in Mansfield are not like our national Republican icons, such as President Reagan. When things got tough Mr. Reagan didn’t quit. Mansfield Township Committee Republicans did. Through your vote, send a message to the Mansfield Republicans that we abhor your failure to follow through on your commitment to us. We want details, planning and execution; not fluff, rhetoric and excuses. No more last minute political deception. If you spend our money irresponsibly and continue to mislead us with glossy flyers, you won’t get our vote.
More than ever, Mansfield needs honest leadership that will plan and work for this town. I have spoken with Ray Stupienski, Mark Lee, Frank Crivelli and Terri Tallon-Hammill at length. They will serve us with respect, explain the whole story and make decisions based the facts, not politics. Mansfield residents deserve nothing less.
Brian Flynn
Independents win resident’s support
To the editor:
I am writing in response to a campaign flyer I received this weekend. The flyer was in support of the Republicans (Jaime) Devereaux, (LaVerne) Cholewa, and (Bruce) Waite who are running in the upcoming election for Mansfield Township Committee. I have no problem reading literature if candidates want to explain their platform, goals, hopes and dreams for our Township. However, I do have a problem with the slandering lies which they spewed about Mr. Stupienski in their latest full page, color glossy flyer. I find this in very poor taste.
It’s more apparent than ever that these candidates don’t have anything solid to offer regarding how they plan to bring in the greatly needed ratables, lower taxes, deal with the rising crime, or build a new firehouse.
Anyone who is involved or has been involved in the true politics of Mansfield Township knows that Mr. Stupienski can be credited with a long list of accomplishments. For example, introducing TDR ordinances supporting smart growth, developing ordinances limiting development, and working on developing a stronger recreation program for all residents, are just a few of his many accomplishments.
In my opinion one of the many great attributes that Mr. Stupienski can offer Mansfield Township is honesty and integrity; something this township has been lacking in many of the past committee members. He has no hidden agenda, he is not in partnership with any builder directly or indirectly, nor does he have any aspirations of advancing in the political world. Ray works for the entire township. He has the honest, intelligent answers to your questions with factual information. When’s the last time any of the committee members could do that? Other than Ray Stupienski and Kelly Shea in the past two years, I’ve not seen evidence of anything factual or remotely intelligent coming from the committee members. If you’ve ever been to a meeting, it’s blatently obvious.
All I’ve seen is a lot of "bull" being shoved down the throats of the residents! People, I implore you to stop and think logically and intelligently before you cast your vote on Nov. 2. Do you want more of the leadership which has allowed the building in this township to explode causing our crime rate to rise, our schools to expand and our community to be divided? I hope that you have had enough just like I have. It’s time to get rid of the "circus" and elect the individuals who have what it takes to move Mansfield Township into the future intelligently, wisely and honestly vote for Stupienski, Crivelli and Lee.
Show the Republicans we deserve real people, not politicians, representing us. Liars get caughtstop and reflect on what happened to Scragg, Berezcki, and DeLorenzo. It’s just a shame the residents of Mansfield Township had to suffer in the meantime.
Lastly, I applaud Terri Tallon-Hammill for being a bigger person and not joining forces with Laverne, Jaime and Bruce…she’s got what a takeshonesty. Way to go, Terri!
Colleen Herbert
Campaign mailers distorted truth
To the editor:
Shame on the Republican members running for Mansfield Township Committee that trashed Ray Stupienski in their recent campaign mailers. I guess these people haven’t attended the Township Committee Meetings during the last year or so. For if they did, they would know what was printed in their mailing was nothing but trash and lies. Shame on them for resorting to this level of politics. And shame on the Township Committee members that voted to spend up to $30,000 on the study of deregionalization of our schools. This was not a fiscally responsible decision. If they did their homework, they would have seen that the numbers speak for themselves.
Bethann Goldberg
Candidates need solid plan of action
To the editor:
As a resident of Mansfield Township during the last 13 years, I have seen my share of good and bad politics. Despite my political views (I am an independent who votes for both Republicans and Democrats), I have at least respected the majority of candidates who have run for office in our Township. My respect (and vote) is not won by those candidates who present a multitude of ideas. Rather, it’s won by those candidates who have developed a solid plan of action to execute their ideas.
Working alongside candidates like Jaime Devereaux for the past year has been a valuable education for me. While Jaime is young and appears energetic, I have been greatly discouraged by his lack of commitment and follow-through.
I hope that in this final week of this election season – the residents of Mansfield will ask Mr. Devereaux to elaborate on his ideas by presenting his plan for getting things done. So far, he has talked a big game but I have yet to see him leave the bench. Additionally, this year’s Republican ticket has made a very large issue of saving money wherever they can.
We all agree that every tax-dollar spent in this township is critical – which is why I find it hypocritical that they would endorse spending $30,000 for an attorney to study the regional school funding formula. Since this funding formula is mandated by state law I think that $30,000 should be worth spending a little more time doing our homework before outsourcing that’s what public servants do. This "idea" along with deregionalization of NBC High and Middle Schools will end up costing the taxpayers of Mansfield. It’s not hard to figure out.
As with our national election this year I’m sure that there are still a lot of votes up for grabs in this township. I would encourage the Republican ticket to spend less time personally attacking their opponents and spend more time talking about how they are going to change this township for the better. Let’s start with an action plan this time though instead of just glossing over a list of ideas that have yet to benefit from research or homework on your part.
Barry Winn
Mansfield Township
Candidates: practice what you preach
To the editor:
I would like to respond to some of the campaign literature being distributed to the residents of Mansfield Township through mailings and newspaper articles.
As far as Mansfield Township business proceeding as "normal," I do not see a gap in the mailing of tax bills, the collection of taxes, police, EMTs and fire department response time, recreation areas being maintained and trash being picked up. All offices are up and running.
The taxpayers of Mansfield Township should scrutinize their recently mailed tax bills and they will notice that the county taxes comprise 19.6 percent of the total tax dollar in Mansfield Township, school taxes account for 70.92 percent and municipal taxes, 9.74 percent.
The former auditor suggested to previous Mansfield Township governing bodies to raise the municipal tax a little each year but his words fell on deaf ears because there were plenty of other funds available to offset tax increases. These funds are now non-existent.
When I moved to Mansfield Township in 1990, there was no municipal tax. In 1996-1997 the all purpose tax was introduced at 50 cents. In 1997-1998 it rose to 84 cents and remains at that level until 2002-2003 when it increased to 99 cents. This year it rose 30 cents. Of the 34 municipalities listed in the 2003 Burlington County tax rates, Mansfield tanks ninth from the bottom. The number one municipality pays $1.630.
The Mansfield Township Recreation Committee spent approximately $60,000 for building designs that were never used, purchased expensive hand-me-down uniforms and budgeted only $1,500 for adult recreation programs.
The three year contract referred to was awarded to the same firm because of excellent services and only after the first three year contract, awarded by the previous governing body, expired.
Taxes are increasing because previous Mansfield Township Committees were directed to approve many housing developments through court intervention.
The opposition to the "party in power" has also spent money on campaign literature mailings and signage.
One of their recent mailings stated "every resident of Mansfield Township is important and should be treated with dignity and respect. We may disagree on issues but we must remain respectful of each other."
It is time to practice what you preach.
Ernest Dubay
Look at records before voting
To the editor:
The letter writers (of Oct. 14 and Oct. 21) and Mr. Stupienski, are now touting that our township should be non-partisan. This is because he cannot control any one of the parties. He cannot convince anyone that he is a good Republican, and cannot get along with the true Democrats. So, he turns Independent with some Democratic backing. All the letters writers in his support are pushing the non-partisan rhetoric just to keep him in office. Everyone knows that you can vote in any party you want in the general election.
(I believe) that’s why he is so bent on trying to convince you that the two party system is no good and that it should be abolished in Mansfield. It’s his way or the highway. We say, "No way, Ray."
Our form of government has served very well for several hundred years. Why should we change it now? Leave our form of government alone and admit that you are the one that’s got to go.
The letters writers and Stupienski want to convince you that our form of government is no good. Don’t buy their rhetoric. Why didn’t he vote for the effort to reduce your regional school taxes? One of the letter writers refers to the Republicans supporting this as a bad move for the township. Why is it a bad move to try and save your tax dollars? Is it necessary that we build a Taj Mahal for a rec center instead of a sensible and realistic one like many other townships have? Ask him why we study to death the streets and roads to determine which ones need fixing instead of just taking a look at the obvious. That’s the cause of the engineering costs Crivelli writes about.
For all his "smart growth" rhetoric, what has he accomplished except for spending your tax dollars and raising your taxes? Smart growth is an adage from the State Master Plan professional statements. Oh, and the Columbus bypass? That’s been a part of our municipal Master Plan for better than 15 years. He didn’t invent it as he is trying to convince you that he has.
One of the letter writers tries to convince you with misleading statements that the county landfill was brought here by Mansfield Republicans. That is total nonsense. I lost my home to the county landfill. It was Republican leadership that led the battle against its location here. He either does not know the history or this is simply more of the Stupienski, Lee, Crivelli rhetoric.
Please look at his record, before you vote. Stupienski and his followers are not the right choice. They don’t deserve a position of power in this township. We do not need government by intimidation. Put a stop to this now. Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. Vote Nov. 2. Yours will be the one that counts.
Ms. Lister is a former mayor of Mansfield Township.
Mary Ellen Lister
Township needs a clean break
To the editor:
Political flyers have descended again.
The newest piece of mail in our mailbox proclaims that "Pat DeLorenzo resigned; So did John Bereczki and Randy Scragg; Kelly Shea was defeated at the polls. This year Mansfield has a chance to make a clean break from the recent past. And we can do it by sweeping long-time incumbent Ray Stupienski from office on Election Day."
Were Mr. DeLorenzo, Mr. Bereczki and Mr. Scragg Democrats or Independents? Somebody has to help us here because we’re getting rather confused.
Last year it was get rid of Kelly Shea time. This year it’s let’s bash Ray Stupienski.
If the voters of Mansfield Township truly want to make a clean break from the past, recent or otherwise, it is our suggestion that they vote the Republican majority out of office.
We recently attended the Candidate’s Night in Mansfield Township and were enlightened and educated as a result of doing so. As we entered the building we were handed a copy of some research done by Mr. Crivelli concerning the deregionalization of the Northern Burlington Regional School District. At the last Township Committee meeting the majority (Republicans) passed a motion to allocate up to $30,000 for hiring a law firm to study the feasibility of pulling out of the regional school district. Mr. Crivelli explained that doing so would lose the township all of the state and federal aid we receive for being a part of this regional district.
In our politically naive opinion this certainly sounds like wasteful spending. We’re sure the majority of the committee members who voted for the "up to $30,000" will take a close look at Mr. Crivelli’s information and rescind their vote. To the best of our knowledge, Mr. Stupienski was the only committeeman who voted against this measure. Are we missing something here?
However, you do have to realize that some of the seated committeemen are more concerned about spending $100 to have someone take the minutes of any township meetings and then are highly offended when called down on it. They refer to the $100 as "wasteful spending," we think this is called being "penny wise and pound foolish."
In this township it is quite clear that the Republicans dictate what is voted in as they are the majority. So, how can you send out a flyer proclaiming that all of the problems in this municipality are one man’s fault? Are the residents of this community actually that ignorant, or aren’t they paying attention?
So, voters of Mansfield Township, get out there on Election Day and make sure that we do get a "clean sweep." Three of them have already jumped ship so on Nov. 2 let’s all go to the polls and throw the rest of them overboard!
Jack L. Norcross
Charlotte T. Norcross
Resident endorses ‘common sense’
To the editor:
For the upcoming Mansfield Township Committee election, I would like to endorse Common Sense. You see, by providing one political party a majority position on our Township Committee for several years now, Common Sense has been missing and our property taxes have spiraled out of control.
By voting for Common Sense, we can form a Township Committee such that no party has a majority, thereby forcing people with diverse political backgrounds to work together toward the common good.
Only one seat on the Township Committee is not up for election this year, that of Republican Arthur Puglia, so he will return again in January. Republican Terri Tallon-Hammill is running unopposed and will therefore be elected. This will make two Republicans on the Committee. With a majority being three, these two seats meet the Common Sense guideline for a "no majority" committee. The lone Democrat candidate, Frank Crivelli, running for a one-year seat will provide representation for the Democrats so a vote for Frank is a vote for Common Sense. Finally, Independents Ray Stupienski and Mark Lee provide the rest of the Common Sense team. This will result in the Common Sense Township Committee of two Republicans, oneDemocrat, and two Independents. As stated above, no party will hold a majority and all will need to work together for the common good.
Just like a menu that asks you to choose "one from column A, and one from column B" makes a good meal, electing candidates from different columns on the ballot can provide a recipe for good government. So this year, please elect Common Sense for Mansfield Township Committee. Elect Frank Crivelli from column 1, Terri Tallon-Hammill from column 2, and Ray Stupienski and Mark Lee from column 7.
Tom Calvert
Town can’t support deregionalization
To the editor:
In response to last week’s letter entitled "Deregionalization Sounds Wise," it is apparent Mr. Beeson, and the Mansfield Township Committee’s Republican majority, don’t know what the difference is between "wise" and "unwise".
To think that deregionalization of the Northern Burlington Regional School District will result in a reduction of school taxes for Mansfield Township residents, is absurd and akin to putting your head in the sand.
It already costs more to educate a Mansfield elementary aged child under the Mansfield School District than it does an intermediate and high school aged child under the Regional School District. Does Mr. Beeson really believe that it will be cheaper to educate these children under a deregionalized school district, particularly when you factor in the cost of construction of a new building and the hiring of an entirely new faculty and administrative staff?
Mansfield Township does not have the population, nor, more importantly, the tax base, to support a deregionalized school district and still provide our children with the well rounded, quality education that they currently receive and deserve under the NBC Regional School District.
The Mansfield Township Committee’s recent approval of $30,000 to hire an attorney to conduct a study to potentially deregionalize the NBC Regional School District, once again shows us that our republican led majority is out of touch with reality, as well as what’s best for the residents of Mansfield Township.
Rather than hire an attorney, the township Committee should be actively seeking out the other Townships in the sending districts to work out an equitable solution to the perceived disparity in contributions between the townships.
The timing of the approval of the $30,000 for the deregionalization study once again smacks of electioneering gamesmanship. Make it "look" like we’re doing something at election time, just to get elected! It happened the last two years, and look where that has gotten us!
We don’t want the same old, same old. It’s time for a significant change in the leadership of this Township. If you were fortunate enough to attend the Meet the Candidates Night at Mansfield Elementary School last week, it was clear that the Republican nominees for the open seats on the Township Committee bring nothing new to the table.
In fact, two out of the four nominees did not seek their nominations, but were asked to run by the Republicans. As a republican myself, that troubles me. On the other hand, Mr. Stupienski, Crivelli and Lee are professionals, with a plan for moving forward with the Township, actually care for what is best for all of the residents of the Township, and most of all reall want the job.
To the residents of Mansfield, I ask you to be smart when you vote, don’t just vote the party line, but most importantly, make sure you vote, it really counts this year.
Dave Grupp
Mansfield Township
Get our country back on track
To the editor:
If you are still one of those elusive "undecided" voters, perhaps you should examine the following (partial) list of organizations that have come out in support of John Kerry for President:
AFL-CIO; NAACP; United Auto Workers; Sept. 11 Widows; Sierra Club; Air Line Pilots Association; Alliance for Economic Justice; Alliance for Retired Americans; American Federation of Government Employees; American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees; American Federation of Teachers, Business and Professional Women; Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund; Federal Employees Union; International Brotherhood of Police Officers; International Union of Police Associations; International Association of Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics; League of Conservation Voters; National Association of Police Organizations; National Coalition of Public Safety Officers; National Education Association; National Farmers Union; New York State Professional Firefighters Association; NJ Black Minister’s Council; United Farm Workers of America; United Mine Workers of America, and Veterans United for Kerry. And let’s not forget Bruce Springsteen!
Let’s get our country back on track. Vote for John Kerry on Nov. 2.
Mike Hunninghake
Bordentown City
‘CEO’ president has not delivered
To the editor:
When President Bush came to power, he was hailed as the first CEO President, a person who would use his MBA to bring corporate style management to the Oval Office.
Well, this CEO has not delivered to his shareholders. He has turned the finances of the country from surplus to deficit in the blink of an eye. He has invested personnel and resources in an unnecessary war while ignoring the personnel and resources needed to prevent more terrorist attacks at home. He is the first president in 72 years to oversee a net loss of jobs in this country.
If the president were really a CEO, he would almost certainly have received his marching orders by now from outraged shareholders and board members. After all, a corporation’s fiscal health and good management are very important. Does the country not deserve the same consideration? Should we not seek better fiscal management and deployment of resources?
As a shareholder in this country do you believe it deserves better management? If so, vote for John Kerry on Nov. 2.
Margaret O’Gorman
Voter values president’s faith
To the editor:
People need to stop kidding themselves with regard to the presidential election. The issues at stake are more than the debatable issues of taxation, the economy, medical care and such. Both sides make promises, and Republicans and Democrats alike have been known not to keep their promises.
The real issue is whether the man voted into the presidency recognizes the enormity of the spiritual influence he has over our nation. The next president has to stand up boldly to two extremely important issues, the moral erosion within our society and the threat of Islamic terrorism from without that wants to conquer the world for Allah.
The Bible is very clear that homosexuality and same sex marriages are wrong. Use an old-fashioned word and call it what it is sin. Abortion, the killing of the unborn, is wrong. Stem cell research by killing embryos is the killing of human life at its earliest stage of development. The Bible states it very clearly. God knew us in the womb before we were ever born.
Both candidates profess "faith." However, only Bush is willing to take a strong stand for sound Biblical principles. Kerry proclaims faith in his Catholicism while repeatedly voting against saving lives of the unborn and advocating same-sex marriages. People need to think! I don’t know of any Bible, Catholic or otherwise, that would agree with Kerry.
Treats to our society are being masked under the guise of "tolerance." Appeasement to Islamic terrorist forces will not bring peace and we will not all live happily ever after together. We live in times of great fear because of Islamic fundamentalists who will never stop pursuing their goal to destroy nations who worship the God of the Bible. Yet Kerry seems determined to provide comfort to the enemy by undercutting our great men and women in uniform.
This election is not about political parties or race. No group is perfect. Voters, especially those who call themselves Christian, need to take a stand for a leader who says it is not okay to kill babies and to change the definition of marriage, and a leader who has the courage to keep the free world from becoming extinct.
Pat Miller
Roebling social was great success
To the editor:
The Roebling Centennial Committee would like to thank everyone involved in our recent social event at the Roebling Firehouse/Auditorium. Titled "Muffins on Main Street", the event featured Lou Borbi’s presentation of old slides of Roebling’s days gone by. We’d like to thank Lou for a great job. Also, exhibitors from out local churches and civic organizations are to be thanked for their excellent presentations. Thanks to the ladies from the churches and the Centennial Committee for baking the homemade muffins. Leftover muffins were donated to Alterra Sterling House, the MS Home in Roebling and the CDC classes at Holy Assumption. Commemorative mugs were donated by Jos. McHugh Insurance of Florence. And lastly, thanks to the Roebling Fire Company 3 for providing us the use of the Auditorium for out first Centennial Event.
The Roebling Centennial Committee hopes everyone had a great time and we invite everyone to attend the coming events to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Roebling’s founding. Watch for future announcements for times and dates for next year’s festivities.
Gail Tyree
Chairman, Roebling
Centennial Committee
Thanks for another great parade
To the editor:
Sunday was Bordentown’s 34th annual Halloween Parade. It was a great success. I want thank the men and women of Consolidated Fire Association for another great parade. I had a chance to see what goes into this parade. Six weeks of hard work, planning, phone calls, and time. Thank you Consolidated Fire Association.
Jim Brimmer
Bordentown City