Two flu clinics scheduled for November

Township Department of Health to administer over 400 flu vaccinations to age-specific tiers and those with chronic conditions.

By: Melissa Hayes
   South Brunswick will hold two flu vaccine clinics the week of Nov. 29 for township residents which fit the eligibility criteria. The dates and times of the clinics will be announced and depend on staff availability.
   To be considered for a flu clinic appointment, residents should call the local South Brunswick Township Health Department during the week of Nov. 15 at (732) 329-4000 ext. 7237 or 7238.
   Letters detailing eligibility requirements went out Tuesday to individuals who have called the Health Department about a flu clinic. The township currently has 440 vaccines and hopes to get a second shipment of an additional 400, said Steve Papenberg, a Health Department representative.
   The Health Department has established eight tiers of eligibility for a flu vaccine.
   The first tier includes individuals over 80 who have a chronic condition.
   The second tier includes individuals in their 70s which a chronic condition.
   The third tier includes individuals age 65 to 69 with a chronic condition.
   The fourth tier includes individuals age 2 to 64 with a chronic condition.
   The fifth tier includes women who are pregnant.
   The sixth tier includes individuals over 80 years of age that do not have a chronic condition.
   The seventh tier consists of individuals in their 70s who do not have a chronic condition.
   The eighth tier includes individuals 65 to 69 who do not have a chronic condition.
   According to the Health Department, individuals with chronic conditions must have documentation from a licensed physician written on a prescription form or the doctor’s letterhead.
   The documentation must confirm that the individual is being treated for at least on of the following: pulmonary, cardiac, diabetic, oncology or immuno-supressed conditions.
   The documentation must be brought to the clinic and accepted in order for the individual to receive a flu vaccine. Women who are pregnant must also provide documentation form a licensed physician and bring it with the to the flu clinic.
   Those receiving vaccinations must also show proof of age. Acceptable age documentation includes a driver’s license, birth certificate, passport and marriage certificate.
   In addition to proof of age, applicants must also bring proof of township residency. Acceptable documentation includes driver’s license, lease, tax return, utility bill and voter registration.
   "People can call in, we will evaluate the information and it will be prioritized according to the tiers and they will be notified," Mr. Papenberg said.
   He said that those that are not chosen for the first round of flu clinics will be put on a waiting list for the second shipment which the township hopes to receive.