Freeholders: Chris Smith is consistent advocate for vets

(Open letter to U.S. House of Represen-tatives Speaker J. Dennis Hastert)

It is with great disappointment that we have learned about the removal of Congressman Chris Smith, as not only the chairman of the Veterans Affairs Committee but also as a member.

Ocean County is home to more than 68,000 veterans, men and women that fought in an array of conflicts. These men and women have come to rely upon such elected officials as Congressman Smith to provide them not only the benefits they need, but the benefits they deserve for having protected this great country. There is no reason for party politics when it comes to providing assistance to our veterans. Congressman Smith has consistently been an advocate for all veterans. He has pushed for additional funding for veterans issues beyond the recommendations of the administration.

Under the leadership of Smith, legislation like the Veterans Benefits Act of 2003, the Veterans Education and Benefits Expansion Act of 2001, and the Homeless Veterans Comprehensive Assistance Act of 2001 were implemented. Smith has been the architect of numerous measures that have assisted veterans.

The Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders applauds his actions and his independence in bringing home the types of benefits that help the quality of life for our veterans. Smith’s only flaw in his position as chairman of this very important committee is that he is truly a friend to veterans and committed to helping them. Because of the leadership of Smith, veterans actually received what they deserved.

Smith was returned to Washington by the voters of New Jersey. He carries to Washington the message of his constituents. Apparently Washington is not listening. This is not about party politics, it should be about veterans.

Joseph H. Vicari


Ocean County Board of Freeholders

Gerry P. Little

deputy director

Ocean County Freeholders

John C. Bartlett Jr.


John P. Kelly


James F. Lacey
