This is a copy of a letter I sent to the [Millstone] mayor and to the zoning board after reading your newspaper articles.
I am writing this letter in reference to the veterinary clinic that Sharon and Alan Gaboff are hoping to build [in Millstone Township]. I have been fortunate enough to utilize their services at Adopt-A-Pet for many years. It has always been a wonderful experience that I could not praise enough.
Their valuable services have provided me with the comfort and knowledge that my loving pet was in excellent hands while I was unable to care for her.
I found the facility to be remarkably cared for, with ample heating and air conditioning. Sharon also made sure that the animals had enough light, with the comfort of rugs and couches, as well as music for stimulation. She has had to give my dog water through a dropper when she became ill, and did not hesitate to care for her even in the middle of the night. She always appears to give special attention to each animal and is quite aware of their personalities and individual needs.
You see, people are so satisfied and impressed with the quality of care that is offered, that they continually return time after time for years.
Most importantly, it would be devastating to the animals as well as their families to lose such a wonderfully operated and professionally caring facility. So many people have been looking forward to the new building, that if it does not come to pass, it will be regretted not only by us but what the Gaboffs offer to their entire community.
It would be with my deepest gratitude if you would assist in allowing the new veterinarian clinic to come to fruition.
Fran Lasky