Greg Bellotti
Guest Column
Prior to the holidays, Elias Abilheira responded to a letter I wrote to the editor regarding his stance, as well as the other committeemen’s stance, on the current Little League situation. The taxpayers now know that Mr. Abilheira’s family participates in the recreation program, and takes advantage of the wonderful programs that are in place, and the many volunteers that work tirelessly to provide a brilliant suite of organized athletic programs — most of which do not cost the taxpayers a nickel.
Throughout Mr. Abilheira’s response, there was no indication of an answer to my questions. Instead, the taxpayers received well-crafted political garbage. The response is a slap in the face to every single person who puts faith in local elected officials.
The questions are very simple.
Do you think it is a good idea to move Little League at a cost of more than $5 million to the taxpayers?
Are you in favor of centralizing recreation?
If recreation is centralized, will the newly completed Wagner Farm Park be neglected?
Where do you plan to centralize recreation that would not open the township to new litigation?
Are you aware that the Little League is being sued, again?
Are you aware that the Little League has successfully defended itself multiple times?
Do you think the new lawsuit is harassment?
Are you aware that at least one of your campaign supporters is a plaintiff in the suit?
Don’t you believe that it is in the best interest of Millstone to control all spending until after the new school is finished?
In all of my years of following the politics of Millstone Township, I have never questioned the integrity of committeemen who have had to make decisions that were sometimes difficult. However, when it comes to politics that will affect recreation programs for the children, I have no other recourse than to question the elected officials.
We have a thriving recreation program that is not a burden to the taxpayers. Recently, I watched a neighbor participate in the new cheerleading program. She has matured immensely and her personality has flourished. She also got the opportunity to compete in Florida for the national championship. This is the type of priceless education that comes from our recreation program.
Secondly, that new school is going to cost a small fortune. We need to save every penny we can, and make sure that no corners are cut building that school. A very wise man once told me, “The biggest investment you can make is in your child’s education.” I strongly believe that sentiment, and I am sure most taxpayers would believe the same. That school will be the foundation for our kids, and we must make that school the No. 1 priority, followed by a strong plan to stabilize our tax rate with the help of clean ratables.
To conclude, unlike yourself, I would like to answer the questions you posed in your response:
I appreciate your “invitation” to a Township Committee meeting, but due to my schedule and my family, I choose to watch it on Channel 77. Let’s face it, if Channel 77 was watched by as many taxpayers and voters who read this paper, why hasn’t a single candidate bought time on cable?
We were together at an RCEC [Republican County Executive Committee] meeting where I met and endorsed Bob Kinsey. Do not bring down Bob or any other committeeman for your inability to answer a question. Bob has not hurt Little League or any other organization. In fact, I am hoping his abilities make the Township Committee better, with less politics.
I have never seen the children of Little League used as political pawns.
I have addressed all of your questions and concerns. I am not a public official who is concerned with being re-elected. My kids and tax dollars are my concern and my priority, not a re-election. Now that Millstone knows where I stand, I believe we should know your position, in this paper.
If anyone has feedback, you can feel free to e-mail me, [email protected].
Greg Bellotti is a resident of Millstone