Moore gets Hopewell Township planning post

Longtime resident is first alternate.

By John Tredrea
   The Hopewell Township Committee voted unanimously during its very brief meeting Monday night to appoint longtime township resident Billie Moore as first alternate member of the township Planning Board.
   Ms. Moore, who has served on the Planning Board before, was appointed to complete an unexpired term ending Dec. 31, 2006.
   The committee also voted unanimously Monday night in favor of renewing a contract with Hamilton Township, under which Hamilton will provide clinical services for certain sexually transmitted diseases to Hopewell Township residents. The fee for the services will be $25 per patient.
   In addition, the committee voted unanimously to appoint Angela Topley as a part-time public health nurse, effective Feb. 15. Ms. Topley is working five-10 hours per week and is being paid $22 per hour.
   The committee also voted unanimously to appoint the interim township administrator, George McDonough, as the township’s insurance fund commissioner. Mr. McDonough was hired two weeks ago. Rose Tkacs, who has worked in the township’s administrative offices for a number of years, will be alternate insurance fund commissioner for the township.