‘The Jews of Cuba’ to be discussed at temple

The Sisterhood of Congregation Anshe Emeth and the B’nai B’rith of Middlesex County will present a joint program titled “The Jews of Cuba” on March 6 at Congregation Anshe Emeth, 88 Main St., South River. Breakfast will be served at 9:45 a.m. A presentation by guest speakers Roberta and Bert Sutker will follow at 10:15 a.m.

The Sutkers, of Edison, recently returned from a trip to Cuba with a B’nai B’rith humanitarian mission. Cuba has a population of approximately 1,500 Jews who are need of medical supplies, toiletries and items pertaining to Judaism. The Sutkers will speak about their own journey and their experiences visiting and helping Jews in Cuba.

All are welcome to attend the program. Participants are asked to bring canned goods, toiletries (soaps, bandages) or over-the-counter medicines to the event. Cash donations also would be appreciated but are not required. For more information and to reserve, e-mail AEmeth@comcast.

net or call Marty at (732) 254-8564 or Lynette at (732) 254-4966. Reservation deadline is Feb. 27.