Firm helps put end to pests


Staff Writer

MARLBORO — A cockroach problem in Afghanistan was no problem for a local pest control company.

In October, Arrow Environmental Services helped to exterminate a cockroach infestation at the Afghanistan National Military Hospital Central Kitchen Facility in Kabul.

Col. John Stankiewicz, director of the defense resources sector in Afghanistan, is a former technician with Arrow Exterminating and a friend of company president Ira Lenner. Stankiewicz called Lenner to ask for help in dealing with a bad case of roaches in the kitchen at the military hospital. Lenner responded by donating a large amount of pesticide to help exterminate the roaches.

“By January the roaches were eradicated in the hospital, so it was quite successful,” Lenner said this week.

Lenner and Arrow Environmental Services received a certificate of appreciation from the office of military cooperation in Afghanistan for the support shown to Operation Enduring Freedom.

The certificate reads, “Your generous gift of Avert bait was tremendously effective in annihilating the cockroach infestation of the central kitchen facility. Your valuable contribution is a critical step in the rebuilding of the healthcare support structure and living conditions at the Afghanistan national hospital. Your support and assistance is greatly appreciated.”