If OK’d by voters, the spending plan would mean a hike in taxes for Lambertville property owners and a decrease for those in West Amwell and Stockton.
By: Linda Seida
WEST AMWELL The Board of Education of South Hunterdon Regional High School approved a budget increase of slightly more than 3 percent for the 2005-06 school year, calling for a tax increase in one of its three sending districts but reducing taxes in the other two.
The total proposed budget is $7,676,915. It represents an $253,985 increase over the current budget.
Business Administrator Julie Mumaw called it "a lean and mean budget."
Increases were seen in certain areas that were unavoidable, such as the cost of fuel. The cost to maintain and operate the facility, which includes fuel costs, saw an 18 percent increase. The cost for alternative education for some students, which the district must provide by law, also rose 18 percent.
Other increases include the cost of salaries and benefits. The last year of teachers’ three-year contract calls for a 5 percent salary hike. Benefits will rise 10 percent.
The portion of the budget paid for by local taxes, known as the tax levy, rose almost $80,000 from this year, for a total of $6,550,086 in 2005-06.
The budget will lead to higher taxes in Lambertville. In the district’s other two sending districts, West Amwell and Stockton, taxes will decrease.
The tax impact varies because of a state-mandated equalization formula based on taxable property in each municipality.
In all three sending districts, assessments of property values rose and led to a decrease in the tax rates. Under South Hunterdon’s 2005-06 budget, Lambertville’s tax rate would be 65 cents per $100 of assessed value, down from 71.3 cents.
In West Amwell, the tax rate would be 49.2 cents per $100 of assessed value, down from 53.4 cents.
In Stockton, the tax rate would be 70.2 cents per $100 of assessed value, down from 76.8 cents.
In Lambertville, the owner of a property assessed at the average of $288,000 would pay $17 more, or a total of $1,872. For the 2004-05 school year, the average property was assessed at $260,127 and $1,855 in taxes.
In West Amwell, the owner of a property assessed at the township average of $411,819 would pay $112 less, or a total of $2,026.
This year, the average property was assessed at $400,329 and $2,138 in taxes.
In Stockton, the owner of a property assessed at the borough average of $166,433 would pay $103 less, or a total of $1,168. For the 2004-05 school year, the average property was assessed at $165,458 and paid $1,271.