To the editor:
Our Founding Fathers designed our government in a fashion that is envied the world over. They created branches and political parties so that no one person and no one party would able to have sole control to push any one ideology unwittingly down our throats in a dictatorial manner.
But radical Republicans are hell bent on destroying that very foundation of our freedom and call their plan the "nuclear option." The back door being used to destroy 200 years of bipartisan checks and balances is the Supreme Court, by appointing justices who favor corporate interests and the extreme right over the rest of us.
Republicans have taken millions of dollars from their corporate backers. Now they’re seeking to use the courts to pay back their big donors by overturning protections they have long worked to undermine, such as labor rights, environmental laws, and privacy rights. With a world view that might makes right and a moral belief that the poor are so because they are lazy (despite the obvious fact of those born into poverty or wealth), radical rights use the word "morality" to defend greed and are short-sighted for the future of our nation that we leave to our children and grandchildren.
Our elected representatives, no matter what party they are affiliated with, need to use every bit of power granted them, including filibuster, to challenge the corruption of our government; to disallow big business to own and control us; to fight one-party control and restore a government of the people, for the people and by the people.
Mirah Riben
Monmouth Junction