Millstone Township Committee candidates will square off on town issues Oct. 20.
By: Lauren Burgoon
MILLSTONE After weeks of negotiating terms, Township Committee candidates have agreed on a debate date and format. The four will square off on town issues Oct. 20.
The debate between Democrats Frank Cotter and incumbent Bill Nurko and Republicans Ramin Dilfanian and Steve Sico will be televised live and replayed on Millstone’s public access Channel 77, as happened last year for the town’s first telecast debate. The candidates begin at 8 p.m. in the municipal building.
As with last year, the four men will make a two-minute opening statement, followed by audience questions read by the moderator. Questions can be directed to only one candidate, but none can refuse to answer a question. The candidates get two minutes for responses and one minute for rebuttals. There will also be closing remarks.
It took several letters from the opposing parties before everyone could agree to the terms and date, though one sticking point could remain the Democrats want the League of Women Voters of New Jersey, not the county affiliate, to moderate.
"Last year that debate moderated by (the Monmouth County chapter) was pretty one-sided," Mr. Cotter said.
A letter from Mr. Nurko sent last week to the Republicans said he is in contact with a New Jersey league representative to moderate. But Diane Morelli, chairwoman of the Millstone Township Republican County Executive Committee, said the Monmouth County league always has moderated and will do so this year.
"We are quite appalled that the Democrats would question their qualifications. What could they possibly have against this group? … The standard procedure is the Monmouth County League of Women Voters will run the debate and we will not deviate from that," she said. "We require a concrete reason before we even consider changing this process."
Despite the disagreement, the political wrangling over the debate has not come close to last year when camps for independent candidate John Pfefferkorn and Republican Bob Kinsey (the eventual winner) sent dozens of e-
mails with increasingly caustic messages before agreeing to the terms.
This year’s candidates are vying for two seats with three-year terms. As the only incumbent, Mr. Nurko is seeking a third term. The other Democratic committeeman, Chet Halka, opted not to seek re-election. The other candidates are political newcomers.
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