Business Briefs

The Kingston Historical Society, Kingston section of South Brunswick, recently received a General Operating Support grant for $750 from the Middlesex County Cultural and Heritage Commission.

The Metuchen Edison Historical Society, NAACP Edison/Metuchen Area, both Metuchen; Danish Archive North East, Edison; and Barron Arts Center/Woodbridge Arts Council, Woodbridge, received awards of $2,000 each. Receiving an award for $1,050 was the Campbell Moss PTO/Cultural Arts Program, Metuchen.

The commission received the funds from the New Jersey Historical Commission with monies to be used for its history services.

Keep Middlesex Moving (KMM) Inc. wishes to remind residents that its free ridematch service could help reduce the cost of filling up at the gas pumps, and is offered to commuters with work destinations in Middlesex County.

Approximately 500 commuters are registered and are seeking “matches” for ridesharing. Commuters are matched based on preferences such as smoking or nonsmoking, time of commute, and origin. For more information or to register, call KMM at (732) 745-4368 or visit

Christ the King Lutheran Church, Kendall Park section of South Brunswick, has announced the appointment of Janet A. Westrick to the position of parish musician for 2005-06. Westrick will serve as organist and will direct both the adult choir and a newly formed children’s choir. Prior to joining Christ the King, Westrick retired as head of the music and performing arts department at Princeton Day School. She is also the founder and artistic director of the Princeton Girlchoir.

The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) is searching for outstanding New Jersey small business owners and small business champions who will be honored during National Small Business Week next spring. Winners will be presented with awards at the Ninth Annual New Jersey Small Business Conference at the Hyatt Hotel in New Brunswick.

Nominations are being sought for New Jersey’s Small Business Person of the Year and for outstanding SBA Small Business Champions in the areas of minority, women, veteran, financial services, home-based business, and Small Business Journalist of the Year. In addition, candidates are being sought for Small Business Exporter of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the Year and an SBA Family-Owned Business of the Year.

Nominations should be submitted to the SMA New Jersey District Office at 2 Gateway Center, 15th Floor, Newark 07102.

The deadline for nominations is Nov. 21.

Details: (973) 645-6064,, or e-mail [email protected].