Police charge teens at weekend party

Thirteen youngsters were charged with violations related to alcohol, while two others were charged with possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana.

By: Melissa Edmond
   Hillsborough police charged 15 teenagers with violation of various drinking and drug laws at a party at a Sunnymead Road residence at approximately 10:50 p.m. Jan. 28.
   The teenagers all were released without bail and will appear in Municipal Court at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
   The police received a complaint that there was a large party with possible underage consumption, according to Lt. Paul Kaminsky. They charged three juveniles with underage drinking. They would not release their names but indicated that one was 16 and two were 17.
   They charged nine adult, underage drinkers with underage consumption as well. The individuals charged included Manville resident James Makowski, 18; Columbia Common resident Jared Briggs, 19; Pierson Drive resident Dale Nunn, 19; Woods Road resident Mathew Brokaw; Campbell Road resident Megan Rusignuolo, 18; Whitehall Court resident Yalcin Kucuk, 19; Route 206 resident Frank Papera, 18; Tally Ho Trail resident Jae Prowse, 18; and Sunnymead Road resident Brandon Wilk, 18.
   Police charged Mr. Wilk along with River Road resident Lawrence Moelsko, 18, with supplying alcoholic beverages to minors.
   They also charged Kimberly Road resident Douglas Plenta, 18, and Mill Lane resident Jesse Satanik, 18, with possession of less than 50 grams of marijuana.