USCG boating course slated for May 6, 13

United States Coast (USCG) Guard Flotilla 2-4, Keyport, will present “America’s Boating Course” May 6 and 13 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Calvary Methodist Church, Third and Osborn Streets, Keyport. Individuals successfully completing the course will receive a Boating Safety Certificate, which the state of New Jersey requires for individuals operating a PWC, or any individual operating watercraft born after Jan. 1, 1979. Cost is $60 for walk-ins, and $50 in advance, and covers materials, USCG Auxiliary certificate, and application for the state boating safety certificate. Additional family members using the same book are $25 each. For more information, call Walter at (732) 758-0064.

Pasta dinner at Keyport church May 7

St. Mary the Virgin Episcopal Church, 8 E. Front St., Keyport, will host a pasta dinner May 7 from 2-4 p.m. Tickets are $7 each, and take-out is available. For more information, call (732) 264-2229.

Pancake, egg breakfast

at Masonic Lodge May 6

Matawan Lodge No. 192 Free and Accepted Masons (F.&A.M.), 192 Main St., will host its monthly pancake and egg breakfast May 6 from 8 a.m.-noon. Donation is $4. For more information, call the lodge at (732) 895-2936.

African violet show

in Matawan May 5

Central Jersey African Violet Society will hold an African violet show May 5 from 3-7 p.m., and May 6 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at First Baptist Church, 232 Main St., Matawan. For more information, call the society at (732) 988-5281.

Rebecca’s Reel Quilters to meet May 7

Rebecca’s Reel Quilters will hold its next meeting May 7 at 2 p.m. at Poricy Park Nature Center, Oak Hill Road, Middletown. Guest speaker Liza Prior Lucy will present “Glorious Color.” Fee is $5 for nonmembers and $3 for members. The group will celebrate its 20th anniversary May 19-21 with “Looking Forward, Looking Back – A Quilt Show” at the park. More than 100 traditional and contemporary quilts will be featured. There will also be a raffle, door prizes, quilts for sale, and refreshments. Price is $5, and free for children younger than age 8. For more information, e-mail [email protected].

Deep Cut Orchid Society to meet May 9

Deep Cut Orchid Society will hold its next meeting May 9 at 7:30 p.m. at Monmouth Reform Temple, 332 Hance Ave., Tinton Falls.

Speaker Fred Clarke will discuss catasetums, cycnoches and mormodes. Guests and the public are welcome at no charge. Also featured will be a show table of flowering orchids grown by members, refreshments, a plant raffle and door prize.

For more information, call (732) 531-5058.