Joel Popadics will demonstrate his artistic abilities to the Suburban Artists Guild (SAG) at 2 p.m. on May 12 at in the East Brunswick Library, 2 Jean Walling Civic Center.
Popadics, a landscape artist, has received numerous national and state awards and honors for his works in one-man shows and juried exhibitions in galleries across the Northeast. His watercolors are in many private and public collections. He has exhibited at the Bergen Museum of Art and Science, Paramus, and in juried exhibitions sponsored by the National Academy of Design, the American Watercolor Society, the Salmagundi Club and other organizations in New York City. SAG members are encouraged to attend the guild’s annual potluck picnic set for June 3 in Bicentennial Park, in East Brunswick. The group’s last regular meeting before the fall season will be held on June 9. For more information on SAG and its activities, call Paul Feifer at (732) 238-0800 or Selena Palmer at (732) 254-3113.