To the editor:
I read the South Brunswick Post’s story, "Developer considers Van Dyke," with great interest, as I am a resident in the eastern village section of South Brunswick where the PulDa/Van Dyke farm is located. The story speaks of a rumored meeting that the mayor said took place at the beginning of April between himself, his running mate and the infamous contract developer Joe Morris of Morris Realty Associates, a meeting the Post could not confirm with the Morris people.
I cannot help but be skeptical when old news with no real relevance resurfaces as factual. Why does the South Brunswick Post find this story newsworthy, except to promote the mayor and his running mate in their struggle for re-election?
I am very disappointed that our media sources would intentionally mislead the people of South Brunswick, especially at a time when the Middlesex County Democratic machine so desperately needs the mayor to be re-elected to retain control over South Brunswick’s government.
The truth of the matter is, it was only months ago that the mayor paraded Joe Morris before the Planning Board in favor of the developer’s plan to build three mammoth warehouses on this very farm. The mayor tried to convince us that the "ratables" these warehouses would bring would be good for South Brunswick. Now he is singing a different tune.
What caused him to change his tune? It sounds like nothing more than political posturing to me.
The residents in the eastern village area have invested a lot of personal time and financial resources to fight off the Morris people and the mayor. Fortunately, members of the Planning Board, with the exception of a few, including the mayor voted against Joe Morris and his 3 million plus square feet of warehousing on the farm. It is an insult to the intelligence of residents of South Brunswick that the mayor, who fought so hard for this developer, is now sincere in efforts to preserve this farm.
On June 6, all registered voters have the privilege and the right to vote for our next mayor. A vote for Debra Johnson is a vote for clean and honest government, represented by the people and for the people of South Brunswick. We cannot allow the current mayor and the Middlesex County Democratic machine who work in unison, continue to control our town.
Tracey Mazza
South Brunswick