A first for a Mercer County department
By: Kara Fitzpatrick
The Princeton Borough Police Department has become the first police department in Mercer County to receive accreditation status from the New Jersey Law Enforcement Accreditation Commission.
The borough department is one of just 10 police departments statewide that have gained accreditation status, Princeton Borough Police Chief Anthony Federico said.
"I am very happy," Chief Federico said. "I am actually very proud that we are the first department in Mercer County" to become accredited.
Chief Federico and Lt. Dennis McManimon appeared Wednesday before the accreditation commission at the New Jersey State Association of Chiefs of Police headquarters for a hearing. Upon completion of that hearing, the borough police were informed that they had successfully completed the accreditation process.
"It is an independent assessment that you are operating along nationally recognized standards," said Mitchell Sklar, executive director of the state association.
The accreditation process consisted of 146 standards with which the department was found to be in full compliance after a four-day on-site review by accreditation commission members. The on-site review concluded Feb. 28.
Mr. Sklar said departments that are accredited enjoy lower liability insurance premiums.
"Accreditation literally saves the municipality money every year," Mr. Sklar said.
In addition, accreditation "acts as a great shield to lawsuits," Mr. Sklar said. "An accredited department can prove in court that it operates on the basis of nationally recognized standards."
Mr. Sklar said that because accredited departments operate under the highest standards, the chance of encountering a situation that would involve litigation is less likely than those that are not accredited.