Citizens facing eminent domain need protection

(Excerpt from a letter to Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell)

I am writing to you because I am concerned about Suzette Kelo and Mr. Cristofaro, the remaining home (owners/dwellers) in the controversial Ft Trumbull development area.

In as much as the local development agency was able to resolve with five of the original seven who brought the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court last year shows that ordinary people suffer greatly under the stress associated with fighting Big Government.

Yet there remain two citizens who have remained faithful to the attitude of our nation’s pledge to grant and guarantee its citizens freedom & liberty as well as the right to own property and to enjoy it. I am asking you to treat these two precious households with extreme protection as if they were being assailed by foreign powers. I know my request is extraordinary, yet I make it because the only other places on this earth that have done this to people have been in disputed war zones.

I doubt Connecticut would benefit from being listed as a state where bulldozers are used to remove residents similar to Palestine and Eastern European block states.

You can smile, yet this is the perception of all of America at this time. The eyes of the nation are upon you. I would ask the governor to act as the chief executive of the state and protect her citizens, every one of them, even if it were just one of them. Thank you.

the Rev. Kevin Brown

pastoral director

Lighthouse Christian Center

Long Branch