10 Years Ago
Plans are being made to restore the old fire house on North Main Street. It is no longer used as a fire house because a newer one was built last year but it is being used as a storage facility for the Cranbury Fire Department. The second story is not being used and the township is considering leasing it out, Mayor Tom Gambino stated.
Thirty-five eighth grade graduates said goodbye to the Cranbury School and hello to four years of high school. The theme of the night was Dr. Seuss’ "Oh, the Places We’ll Go." "I’m glad I’m leaving," said Nicholas Santise. "There are certain things I will miss, but I want to move on. I am looking forward to high school."
25 Years Ago
Ev Beckford surprised a lot of people last week when she decided to retire after 25 years at the Cranbury School. She has been teaching reading and English to the upper grade children throughout her tenure.
Nancie Anne Toscano, daughter of John J. Toscano and the late Rita M. Toscano, was married to William Henry Saraceni, son of Mrs. Jane J. Saraceni of Frenchtown and the late John R. Saraceni, on May 23. The Rev. Francis Santori officiated at the nuptial mass in St. Anthony of Padua Church. Both bride and groom are recent graduates of Rider College. He was commissioned in the U.S. Army as a second lieutenant and will attend officers’ basic school in Ft. Knox, Ky.
50 Years Ago
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kuhn of Deans have announced the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, to Judson Lamont Hagerty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson Hagerty of South Main Street. She is a graduate of Jamesburg High School and is attending Glassboro State College. Her fiancée is a graduate of Hightstown High School and is now serving as a Fire Control Technician with the U. S. Navy.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Greczyn and family entertained at a barbecue supper on their lawn in honor of Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Schnell’s 35th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gash and children were also guests.
75 Years Ago
Injuries received in a fall from a tree two months ago proved fatal at Mercer Hospital on June 16 to Joseph Wojner, 50 years old, itinerant farmhand of Cranbury. Wohner, who had been pruning a tree on a farm at Cranbury, where he had secured employment for the spring season, toppled down from one of the high branches. Taken to the hospital, it was found that he was paralyzed from the waist down.
Coroner H. K. Davenport viewed the body and notified County Physician Mitchell. A nephew, Peter Marut of Trenton, is the victim’s only survivor in this county. A Requiem High Mass was celebrated at Holy Cross Church with interment in the church cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Herr of Monmouth Junction have moved into the house owned by the First Presbyterian Church, formerly occupied by James Conway.
100 Years Ago
A recent visitor to our town, commenting on its appearance compared with a few years ago, was loud in praise, but he said "The small town, the village, has a beauty all its own, and I think a mistake is made by trying to make it citified." We can have improvement of some kinds without ill effects, but if we attempt too much we may have unpleasant consequences.
We have a town of pretty, comfortable homes, convenient and even luxurious. Then our very quiet is just what the tired city resident needs. There are good boarding houses where reasonable prices are charged. Clear, pure air, shady streets with driving, boating and fishing made it very pleasant for the summer boarder.
Compiled from back issues of The Cranbury Press by Peggy S. and Frank J. Brennan Jr.