Christine F. Li United Teletech Financial Federal Credit Union (UTF) is sponsoring seminars from July-September at its office at the Shops at Commerce Plaza, 2201 Route 1 south, Suite 119-B, North Brunswick. The free seminars are: “Understanding Your Credit Score” July 26, “Identity Theft: Who’s Got Your Number?” Aug. 30, and “Autos: Buying vs. Leasing” Sept. 27. All seminars are free and from 5:45-6:45 p.m. Additionally, UTF in partnership with Members Financial Services, will host two seminars, “Education Funding” Aug. 16 presented by Ray Sammak of CUNA Brokerage Services, and “Members Retirement Solutions” Sept. 13, with both from 5:45-6:45 p.m. For reservations or more information, call (732) 530-8100.
Christine F. Li, North Brunswick, and Meryl A. G. Gonchar, East Brunswick, partners at Greenbaum, Rowe, Smith & Davis LLP, Woodbridge, have been ranked among the top attorneys in New Jersey in Chambers USA – America’s Leading Business Lawyers 2006. Li is listed in the real estate category and Gonchar in the real estate: zoning/land use category. Chambers and Partners is a London-based worldwide publisher of guides to the legal profession.
Li, a member of the firm’s real estate department and planned real estate practice group, was acknowledged for her condominium expertise and “flourishing” practice. She concentrates her practice in condominium and planned real estate development law. She is a co-author of New Jersey Condominium and Community Association Law published by Gann Law Books, and a member of the American College of Real Estate Lawyers.
Gonchar, chair of the firm’s land use practice group, was noted for her growth in experience and was acknowledged for her “very strong” capability. She concentrates her practice in land use and zoning and land use litigation. Gonchar co-authored chapter 12 in “New Jersey Land Use and Environmental Law,” 1993. She is a past chair of the board of directors of the land use law section and a member of the Legislative Committee of the New Jersey State Bar Association.
M. Eugene Sabrey of Woodbridge was installed as the new leader of the Central District of the New Jersey State Elks Association during the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks’ 142nd Grand Lodge Convention held July 9-13 in Orlando, Fla. Sabrey is a member of Woodbridge Elks Lodge No. 2116, Central District No. 5440.