Many made Clearwater Festival a success

I want to thank all Mon-mouth County Friends of Clearwater (MCFC) volunteers for your hard work and dedication that made this year’s 31st annual Clearwater Festival successful.

By all criteria, this was the best festival in Asbury Park that we’ve ever had. I would like to especially thank those new committee chairpersons who took up the gauntlet this year and performed wonderfully.

I also thank all the performers who entertained the biggest audiences we’ve had in the past six years and gave so unselfishly of their time and resources. You were the draw that allows us to get our environmental message across not only to the attendees but to those who read the accounts of the festival.

Thanks to the many activist groups who provided their perspective on the environmental issues and social concerns that we face in this complex world.

I hope that our Summit Meeting on Sunday will allow us to move forward and form coalitions that will benefit the health and well being of our planet and its inhabitants.

Thanks to all the vendors who fed and provided products to the attendees. Also thanks to our long-time sponsors Shop-Rite, Wakefern Foods, our Freeholders and the Stone Pony.

I want to thank the media and our friends for their advance publicity and the wonderful coverage of our event. I want to thank the city of Asbury Park, Mayor Kevin Sanders, Congressman Pallone, DEP Commissioner Lisa Jackson, and Gov. Jon Corzine who supported us in our efforts by speaking from our stage.

Lastly I thank the attendees who were entertained and, I hope, were informed and affected by our pleas for a cleaner healthier environment.

I think that we spread the word for a cleaner environment by word, music and action further this year than ever before. We have gained new members and, hopefully, a greater respect in the community for our year-round efforts.

If I missed anyone in this message, please pass the word for me.

Ed Dlugosz


Monmouth County Friends

of Clearwater