Zoning lawsuit could turn into major burden for taxpayers

Roosevelt is nationally recognized as an example of good planning. I appeal to Roosevelt Borough Council and Zoning Board to uphold our zoning laws that protect the design of our thoughtfully planned community and defend our residents from inappropriate building plans. Threats of law suits should not deter Roosevelt from enforcing our current regulations. All of Roosevelt’s residents must unite in support of our towns design and its zoning and building laws.

The borough should not attempt to compromise with the current tenant of the nonprofit religious organization over the construction of a future school or dormitory on a residential zoned 1.5-acre parcel of land in the middle of a residential neighborhood. Compromising zoning laws will only invite future appeals for additional related nonprofit, tax free buildings.

Our last zoning officer could not have been well advised when he ruled that a house of worship holding weekend and holiday services and occasional religious classes for a congregation of a few families was the same as a religious high school holding classes six days a week, 14 hours a day for 150 children. This type of intrusion on a neighborhood or borough of 900 people is the very reason zoning laws were established. .

Unfortunately for Roosevelt, if the threatened zoning lawsuit becomes reality it could turn into a major burden for the taxpayers. This will surely be the first of many lawsuits if the tenants’ indifference to our local laws continues. Laws are made for the benefit of everyone and should not be violated to meet the needs of a few.

With all of this in mind, it seems imperative that the board members of the religious institution terminate the lease with their tenant. The contract apparently has a clause to terminate if all needed borough approvals are not realized. The board should live up its fiduciary responsibilities and do what is best for its Roosevelt members and the entire community of Roosevelt.

Tomas and Deborah Curry
