Staff Writer
HOWELL – At this rate the Democrats will be sitting out of the Township Council election in November.
Only a week after confirming with the Monmouth County Clerk of Elections that Laurie Howell – a member of the party’s three-person slate running for three four-year terms on the council – withdrew her name from the race, Greater Media Newspapers has learned that a second Democrat on the ticket, Lucy Craig, has dropped out of the race as well.
The third original member of the slate, William Field, may follow suit.
According to Howell Democratic municipal chairman Steve Morlino, Howell and Craig cited a variety of reasons for pulling out of the race.
“Laurie Howell dropped out due to family care issues and unfortunately Lucy Craig has also dropped out due to new work obligations and her commute into the city,” he said. “Both would have made great candidates, but not being career politicians, their work, family and home obligations and responsibilities take precedence. William Field is also considering dropping out due to family obligations and the fact that he no longer has his two running mates to assist with the campaign.”
At this point the Democrats are scrambling.
“We are trying to solicit and recruit new candidates to replace them,” Morlino said. “Most people are much too busy earning a living and trying to keep up with their taxes and family life to make the sacrifice.”
Morlino asked any Democrat who is interested in running for a seat on the council to contact him. If willing candidates are found, the party has until Sept. 20 to place their names on the ballot for the Nov. 7 election.
The Democrats did not run a candidate for an open council seat last year.
Morlino said things are difficult for the party.
“We have no funds for a paid campaign manager and the general feeling of the Democratic Party here in Howell is that we will be running grass roots campaigns in the future,” he said. “Politics in Howell unfortunately has become very difficult for good honest citizens that want to do the best they can for John Q. Public. People are concerned that their entire life is put on trial and the most innocent issues are blown out of proportion by those who are in it for fame, glory, personal gain and aspirations for higher office at any cost.”
As for any future plans, Morlino said, “We won’t support candidates who do not have Howell’s best interest at heart.”
In November, Republicans Peter Tobasco, Mauro R. Raccuglia and Edward J. Skibicki Jr. are running for office. Tobasco is presently a member of the council.
Independent candidates Robert Walsh, Angela Dalton and Michael Howell are running as well. Walsh is presently a member of the council.
The council seats that will be up for grabs this fall are presently held by Tobasco, Walsh and Republican Juan Malave, who is not seeking re-election.
The positions now held by Republican Mayor Joseph DiBella and Republican Councilwoman Cynthia Schomaker will be on the ballot in November 2008.