Letter does not represent residents’ opinions

I just finished reading Bruce Diamond’s letter to the editor in last week’s Sentinel regarding three members of the Edison Township Council.

First, Mr. Diamond is not speaking for me and many other residents of Edison Township; he is only speaking for himself, and I take offense to his speaking for everyone in the township.

I believe Mr. Diamond is only concerned about his own interests, and he seems to have a grudge against certain council people because they stick up for the residents of Edison rather than the whims of the mayor. What is the mayor promising you, Mr. Diamond, that you doth protest too much? You were appointed to the Zoning Board and then quit because you didn’t like that the meetings were going to be televised. What are you afraid that the public will hear you say? More dribble like what you put out in the Open Space Committee meetings as you go on and on and on?

I give credit to these council members, who aren’t afraid to speak out at the council meetings, which are now being televised, though not aired often enough. Councilwoman Antonia Ricigliano has made every attempt to get the meetings televised more than once a week, but her efforts seem to be falling on deaf ears.

These council members do not have so-called “personal agendas,” as Mr. Diamond states. They are looking out for us, the taxpayers of Edison Township, because in my opinion, the mayor is doing everything in his power to drag the township down, while these council members fight for the residents.

Keep up the good work, council members, who I don’t really have to name because at each council workshop meeting, they show us what they stand for. Thank you for watching out for us.

Mr. Diamond, next time you feel the need to write a letter to the editor, speak only for yourself.

Barbara Sabatie
