The following are the results of the Tamarack Women’s Nine-Hole Golf Association’s Sept. 7 outing – Scotch foursome, teams of two averaged handicaps. In first place was the pairing of Marion Batchelor and Joan Hoskins with a score of 36, followed by Bernie Janas and Ronnie Bohn (38), Ann Marie Broehl and Jeanne Reaph (40), and Janet Hefelfinger and Fran Poulin (42).
The Girls Soccer League of Old Bridge is now accepting applications for the fall recreation season. All girls between the ages of 4 and 16 are eligible to participate. Visit the Web site, or call the soccer hotline, (732) 583-4099, for more information or to obtain a registration form.
The Old Bridge Hustlers U14 girls softball team is looking for players. Girls born in 1992 or 1993 are eligible. For more information, call Fred Bucci at (908) 489-5080 or email [email protected].
If looking to become a varsity or recreational basketball official, the Central East Jersey Basketball Officials (CEJBO) organization is accepting applications for their upcoming fall clinic. The clinic begins on Sept. 21 at East Brunswick High School for those men and women at least 18 years of age. Contact Allan Kaufman at (732) 390-1860 or [email protected], or visit the organization’s Web site at for additional information as well as for an application.