180 Turning Lives Around celebrates 30 years of advocacy in county

At 180 Turning Lives Around we always believe that change is possible. Our board, staff and volunteers witness life-changing miracles every day: courage and empowerment taking the place of hopelessness; empathy and gentleness replacing violence; joy where there had been only despair. These “breakthrough” moments drive 180 to tackle social issues that few others will: domestic abuse and violence, sexual assault and rape, incest, child abuse and neglect.

Since 1976, 180 Turning Lives Around has served as a lifeline for over 300,000 community members affected by these concerns, arguably among the greatest human rights issues of our time.

Celebrating our 30th anniversary, we recognize that our mission is as important today as it was at our founding.

Abuse and violence can happen to anyone and affect everyone. Approximately 80 percent of sexual assaults and rapes are perpetuated by someone known to the victim. Moreover, more than 70 percent of attacks are planned. Last year alone, 180’s domestic violence (732-264-4111) and sexual assault (732-264-RAPE) hotlines received nearly 7,000 calls from individuals affected by these crimes.

Advocacy and early intervention are important steps in combating abuse and violence. As a result, 180 Turning Lives Around launched the 2nd Floor youth helpline (888-222-2228) three years ago to reach out to adolescents who can speak to a confidential phone counselor about anything on their minds.

It’s amazing to see our charity’s work build, grow, and flourish thanks to the incredible humanitarian efforts of Monmouth County residents, New Jersey legislators, dedicated volunteers and generous donors. 180 would have never reached this milestone year without the help of the community.

For more information about 180 Turning Lives Around Inc. or to make a donation, please contact our development office at (732) 264-9114 or visit www.180nj.org. Together we can ensure that every home is a safe home.

Anna Diaz-White

executive director

180 Turning Lives Around
