In light of the recent string of school shootings in Colorado, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Vermont we must stay vigilant in discussing acts of violence with our children, parents, school administration, law enforcement and community officials.
As we mourn the tragic loss of our youth, it is paramount that we not become complacent. In a post-Columbine world, community focus has rightfully shifted toward the preventative measures so necessary for us to succeed.
In New Jersey, the third week of October had been designated “School Vio-lence Awareness Week.” School employees and law enforcement personnel discussed warning signs of school violence across the state.
We applaud the state’s efforts but recognize ongoing channels are essential. The 2nd Floor youth helpline, a program of 180, Turning Lives Around Inc., has remained a vital resource for youth to call about anything on their minds.
Offered in Monmouth and Mercer counties in New Jersey as well as parts of Philadelphia, the helpline (888-222-2228) has fielded more than 6,000 calls from adolescents concerning violence, bullying, peer relationships and mental health inquiries.
Master’s degree level staff and trained volunteers offer sound guidance to countless students through this confidential program.
Also, the 2nd Floor Internet Web site,, has received over 14,000 visits spurring discussion and encouragement for youth to express their concerns.
Be vigilant and ask your child’s school officials what their plans are to prevent school violence. For more information about 2nd Floor call (732) 787-6503 or visit or
We can stop the violence.
Philip Murphy
Board President
180, Turning Lives Around Inc.