Life Skills creator among county’s ‘Outstanding women’

Diane Handwerk to be recognized at annual dinner

   Hillsborough resident Diane Handwerk, Life Skills coordinator for the Hillsborough school district, was named one of Somerset County’s Outstanding Women.
   The award is made by the county Commission on the Status of Women. On March 9, 13 women, including Ms. Handwerk, will be honored at a dinner at the Martinsville Inn.
   Ms. Handwerk is receiving the honor in the social services category, in recognition of her work launching the Life Skills program.
   She started the program "at her kitchen table" in 1988 to teach parent volunteers to go into classrooms to deliver important messages about tobacco, alcohol and drug prevention, and about conflict resolution, self-esteem and respect.
   Today, the program has 250 volunteers who speak to students in kindergarten through sixth grade. Ms. Handwerk works with coordinators at each K-6 school to implement the Life Skills Programs as well as the Red Ribbon Campaign, and also works with student assistant counselors at the middle and high schools. She has been a member of the Hillsborough-Millstone Municipal Alliance Committee since its inception in 1989.
   "It’s important to recognize the achievements of women who live or work in Somerset County and who add so much to our quality of life," said Freeholder Deputy Director Denise Coyle, commission liaison. "As in years past, this year’s honorees represent the best of the best in their respective areas of endeavor."
   The Commission on the Status of Women presents these awards annually in celebration of Women’s History Month in March. This year there are 10 categories plus a volunteerism award named for Shirley Noble, a commission founder.