Left turn signal intended to help move traffic along

MANALAPAN – Making a left turn onto Union Hill Road from Wild Turkey Way will soon get a little easier with the pending installation of a left turn signal on the existing traffic light.

Mayor Andrew Lucas said the township will install a left turn signal at the intersection of Union Hill Road and Wild Turkey Way to help ensure a smooth and safe traffic flow for all motorists, including those exiting the Covered Bridge adult community on Wild Turkey Way.

Deputy Mayor Michelle Roth said, “We are pleased with this improvement to the traffic flow on Union Hill Road and the benefits it will bring to the residents. This long-awaited [left turn] signal will provide a safer method of travel …”

Lucas thanked township engineer Greg Valesi and Township Administrator Tara Lovrich for moving the project forward after it had stalled a few times.

“This will certainly improve the safety of our residents and I thank the residents of Covered Bridge for their patience,” the mayor said.

According to municipal officials, the project will consist of the installation of a pole with a left turn traffic signal and pedestrian assembly at the intersection of Union Hill Road and Wild Turkey Way. The work is expected to take place in March. Lucas Electric, Hightstown, will do the work.

Covered Bridge Board of Trustees President Frank D’Onofrio said the installation of the left turn signal will be a “God-send.” He said Covered Bridge residents will feel safer going in and out of the development with the left turn signal in place.

“That’s always been a very dangerous corner, an accident waiting to happen. We’re very grateful to our township officials for making this happen,” D’Onofrio said.